EULEP Project
EULEP is the European Learning Experience Platform. It brings together 20 organisations from 8 countries under the leadership of Eurochambres.
The partners work together with the following objectives:
- Make C-VET (continuous vocational education and training) more attractive for lifelong learning;
- Offer businesses new and tailor-made training modules that correspond to their skills needs in innovation oriented subjects (artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and social innovation (SI));
- Upskill and reskill people with labour market relevant skills and competences in AI, VR and SI;
- Develop innovative learner-centred teaching and learning methodologies for the continuing professional development of VET trainers;
- Establish or reinforce knowledge triangles at regional and national level thanks to the triangulation business - VET provider - European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH);
- Embed VET in regional economic development strategies and reinforce its governance, putting it on a sustainable path.
For the development of its training modules in AI, VR, and SI, EULEP pursues a learning outcomes-based approach. The EULEP project partners have conducted a labour market and learning needs analysis to lay the basis for the development of the learning paths in the three chosen subjects. The outcomes of the analysis are presented in the reports: Workforce needs for up and reskilling in artificial intelligence, virtual reality and social innovation and Recommendations for the development of transnational training modules.